Prayer for the People of the Philippines

This past Shabbat, we shared a kavannah (intention) for the people of the Philippines.

How often we read the words of liturgy or psalms and let them roll over us rather than move through us.  This week, when we read from psalms, we read the verses with a different consciousness and a more attentive heart.

We read in Psalm 107:  By his word God raised a storm wind that made the waves surge. Mounting up to the heaven, plunging down to the depths, disgorging in their misery, they reeled and staggered.

What did King David see or know to give rise to such words? From the anguish of his outpouring, we understand something about the tragic results of a terrifying and powerful storm in the Philippines this past week.  Let us not consider Typhoon Haiyan as one more news item that moves quickly from the front page and from our attention. Let us stay vigilant to the tragedy of the moment for the people of the Philippines, survivors there and worried family members here and around the world.

Let us turn our prayers to all those affected by the devestation. We pray for their courage, resilience and optimism.  We pray for those bringing aid: food and shelter and kind words. We pray for the wisdom of world wide leaders as funds raised for this island find their way to those in need.

We pray for our own broken hearts to remain open to the needs of those around us whether far or near. We remember that all people are created in God’s image. May the holy spark within each person give light to all those in need.
Together we say: Amen.

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